Local Anesthesia
Courses for Dental Hygienists
As an AGD/PACE and ADA/CERP provider, Athena Dental Solutions offers local anesthetic courses for licensed dental hygienists. Please check with your state dental board before bookings our course. We have had hygienists licensed in other states complete and receive recognition in their states.
Our course also satisfies the requirements for South Carolina hygienists to administer local anesthetic infiltrations. We have certified hygienists in New Mexico, South Carolina, Kansas, Arizona, and Virginia. This course is a hybrid format - online lectures and in - person clinic portions. Upon completion, the participants are awarded 26 CE hours.
On September 8, 2023 - the GA Board of Dentistry approved our Local Anesthetic Course for GA licensed dental hygienists. This course is taught in a hybrid format - the lectures are on-line and the lab portion is in-person. The course awards 60 CE hours upon completion.
The course is taught by Lori Hendrick, MS, CDA, CDT, RDH, PhD; and Dr. Joseph Hendrick, Jr. and Dr. Philip Jiamachello. Additional dentists (instructors) will be utilized to maintain appropriate instructor to student ratios at all times.
As with any clinical skill, proficiency is dependent upon continued use of your acquired skill set.
You will be required to perform some of your injections on peer partners. If you are unable to receive local anesthetic injections, please make plans to bring a patient on which to perform your clinical injections.
Continuing Education - ADA CERP & AGD PACE : Credit Hours 26 (16 didactic & 10 clinical). We can modify our class for other states which accept ADA CERP providers.
Athena Dental Solutions, LLC is an ADA CERP recognized provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
Athena Dental Solutions, LLC designates this activity for 26 credit hours for NC Hygienists.
Absolutely fantastic course. Great experience, wonderful instructors who helped make you feel so comfortable and so confident!!! I learned so much this weekend and meet so many fantastic people.
Lori, thank you for facilitating a great weekend with a wonderful group of leaders in the dental industry. Dr. Hendrick and Dr. Claytor, thank you for giving of your weekend and investing in us. So very proud!
Thank you for taking the first steps in this new age for hygienists all over NC! Proud to be part of the "first graduates".